Joe Biden

"Every Voice Heard" by Justin Merriman

People march through Pittsburgh’s streets as part of the “Every Voice Heard, Every Vote Counted,” rally to call for an accurate count of votes in Pennsylvania and to celebrate Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden winning the presidency, Saturday, Nov. 7, 2020. The rally which was organized by Pennsylvania United and the Alliance for Police Accountability drew several hundred people.

Coal Miner's Daughter by Justin Merriman

Sara Vance, 33, a third-generation coal miner, holds her 11-month-old daughter, Alexis, at her home on October 12, 2020, in Tridelphia, W.Va. Vance voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and will do so again on Election Day. “I look at my job as patriotic. What I do powers office buildings and homes, the grocery stores where people get their food, as well as schools and churches and companies that build things that build our country. We help keep the lights on and keep people warm as well,” she says

Food Distribution by Justin Merriman

Barbara Peden, 56, of Clairton, Pa., sits in her car as she waits for a weekly food distribution on October 29, 2020 at the Clairton Family Center in Clairton, Pa. Peden arrived hours before the distribution began to secure her place in line. 'In recent weeks it has become increasingly difficult to get something. Sometimes the parking lot is just full," she says. Often there is not enough food for everyone waiting.

Peden, who lives on disability and relies on the food to survive says, “I live in poverty. Without this food I would be hungry.” She is voting for Joe Biden in the upcoming election. "Trump has made our lives unbearable. He's destroying America. The residents of Pennsylvania won't forget that when they vote,” she says.