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Wounded Warriors

At Fort Riley in Kansas, home to the First Infantry Division, two out of every three soldiers in the Warrior Transition barracks have been diagnosed with mental or substance abuse ailments, often after the soldiers underwent repeated combat deployments. Lt. Col Andrew Price, the commander of the Fort Riley unit, (center) calls to attention his wounded warriors.

Soldiers in the Fort Riley, Kansas, Wounded Warrior unit line up in formation.

Patti Gallion Katter, looks over a mountain of paperwork compiled in her efforts to help her husband, Ken, heal from his wounds.

Lt. Col Andrew Price, commander of the Fort Riley unit, (right) talks with Capt. Kathleen Ryan, 36, of Murrysville, PA (left) before the wounded warriors are called into formation.

Ken Katter, a former sergeant who was wounded leading Army scouts in Iraq, recovers at his home in Saginaw, Mich. He called his previous stay in a Warrior Transition unit a "nightmare."

U.S. Army Lt. Col Andrew Price (left) talks to Maj. Robert Stinson, a soldier with the Kansas Army National Guard's transition office.

With little electricity in her dilapidated home, Sgt. 1st Class Diana Clark cooks dinner by window light and a piano lamp.

Sgt. 1st Class Diana Clark worries about losing her house as she recovers from injuries she sustained in Iraq.

To read more about the wounded warriors check out the stories in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review at: