Veterans at Heinz Field / by Justin Merriman

TOP PHOTO: Pittsburgh Steeler Roy Lewis helps guide Jeremy Feldbusch, 28, of Blairsville, who lost his eyesight while serving in Iraq, to find the target to throw the football through. Feldbusch, a veteran of the US Army's 3rd Ranger Battalion in Iraq was injured by shrapnel and lost his eyesight in 2003. The Pittsburgh Steelers and VA Healthcare – VISN 4 partnered to provide a special fun-filled evening of football for Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom veterans. Veterans will test their football skills with the help of Pittsburgh Steeler players. SECOND PHOTO: Pittsburgh Steeler Jeff Reed poses for a photograph with Jessica Lynch, 25, of Parkersburg, WV. Lynch served in Iraq during the 2003 invasion by U.S. and allied forces. On March 23, 2003 she was injured and captured by Iraqi forces, but was recovered on 1 April by U.S. special operations forces, with the incident subsequently receiving considerable news coverage. THIRD PHOTO: Jessica Lynch, 25, of Parkersburg, WV, catches a football at Heinz Field on Tuesday evening. BOTTOM PHOTO: Pittsburgh Steeler Chris Hoke signs an autograph on an American Flag for Doug Gindlesperger, 37, of Somerset. Gindlesperger, a sergeant, served with the US Army in Iraq in 04-05 as well as during the Gulf War in 1991.